Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Into the Winter?

Hey all

Clearly, none of you are having any trouble staying warm... it's a balmy 40 degrees in late January...

ANYWAY, I thought I would send along some updates. First, and foremost, I wanted to thank Jake Remington for getting me in touch with the wonderful people at Art Pussy. Born Into This was a great experience that I hope we can build on for the future. It was a great success, and frankly my mind is still fucked from the "happening" as I've been calling it.

In addition to changes in my personal life, my studio life is going through yet another metamorphosis. In a weird way, I feel as though I'm now starting to get back to my roots. Time will tell for sure though. I am working on a new series called How To Kill Your Imaginary Friends in preparation for my upcoming first Solo Show (which will take place at Queens College). All will be explained in time. Expect to see some new paintings, as well as some sculptures, in the weeks to come. To see what I've been up to so far, check out my FACEBOOK FAN PAGE for photos, and meaningless status updates. Live long, and prosper.

