Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Painting

Hello everyone

So, Sam's Farm and Cash Only are on hold for now. Need to work those ones out a little further before I go ahead and start declaring things finished pieces and all. I'm also currently working on a piece titled Standing on a Bridge to Nowhere. Until then, here's my latest:

Noah's Ark Sailing White Seas (36"x24") Much like Preachings of the Baron, this painting is very much focused on my religious confusions, and the questions I ask myself every time someone asks me what I believe in.

I've recently decided recently to hold off more on formal explanations of my work. I'm more interested in what they say to others, rather than what I have to say about them. Should be interesting to see how they line up. Having said that, I hope to post something new soon.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Update on paintings and such

Hello All-

For those of you who were worried about my work production- have no fear, my studio practice is alive and well. I've got one new painting ready for posting, and one retouched since I last posted it. And, just so I can get you guys quivering with anticipation, I've got 3 more paintings in the works: "Noah's Ark on White Waves", "Sam's Farm" and "Cash Only".

That said, I thought I would post the completed stuff, and maybe explain a little bit...

Babble (24x48") This painting was inspired by debates I had with an ultra conservative guy I knew in college, strangely because we finally agreed on something after many nights of debate- you simply can't trust everything you hear (or anything you hear) from the media. It's the representation of the obsession with, and almost divine placement of the media and it's roll in modern society.

And now for the Touch-up:

Preachings of the Baron The meaning of the painting can be seen in a previous post, should it peak your interest. Since last posted, I added details to the figures in the background. Hair, shirt patterns, facial hair, and even things like a tie and newspaper. Featured in the background of the work are a priest clutching an umbrella and a bible, a business man in a suit with his newspaper and brief case, and people milling about their day.